
What Does Research Say About Porn?

What Does Research Say About Porn?

Published: June 11th, 2015

In this highlight video from a lecture on the effects of pornography on relationships, Jeff Logue, Ph.D. presents scientific research on how damaging pornography can be.

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Tyrone Block, D.M.A., explains 1900s Shout Band in America’s Black Pentecostal Church as a turning point in 20th century America.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Shout Bands

Published: February 23rd, 2017

In Spring 2016, the history department hosted the seminar “Turning Points in 20th Century America.” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian film making and social activism. Tyrone Block, D.M.A., explains Shout Band in America’s Black Pentecostal Church during the 1900s.

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Gary McElhany, Ph.D., speaks about Franklin D. Roosevelt, the AAA, and the CCC in the 1900s and how the New Deal became a turning point in 20th century America.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Politics

Published: July 6th, 2015

In Spring 2016, SAGU's History Department hosted a seminar titled “ Turning Points in 20th Century America .” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian filmmaking and social activism. Gary McElhany, Ph.D., speaks about Franklin D. Roosevelt , the New Deal , the AAA, the CCC , and how they affected America during the 1900s.

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Ryan McElhany, MBA, explains the evolution of marketing, advertising and advertising law in the 1900s and how they were turning points in the 20th century.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Marketing

Published: September 21st, 2016

In Spring 2016, the history department hosted the seminar “Turning Points in 20th Century America.” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian film making and social activism. Ryan McElhany, MBA, explains the evolution of marketing, advertising and advertising law throughout the 1900s.

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Rob Price, M.A., explains the evolution and history of American cinema.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Cinema

Published: January 19th, 2017

During the spring of 2016, SAGU’s history department hosted the seminar “Turning Points in 20th Century America.” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian filmmaking and social activism. Rob Price, M.A., explains the evolution and history of American cinema from the roaring twenties all the way into modern cinema.

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Lloyd Uglow, Ph.D., explains how automobiles evolved throughout the 1900s and why their popularity is considered a turning point in 20th century America.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Automobiles

Published: September 14th, 2016

In Spring 2016, SAGU's History Department hosted the seminar “Turning Points in 20th Century America.” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian filmmaking and social activism. In this video, Dr. Loyd Uglow, explains how automobiles evolved throughout the 1900s and how they began to change America.

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The tomb of Jesus can be described by comparing archaeological evidence with the scriptural texts. Giving us an idea of tombs in the bible and 1st century.

The Tomb of Jesus: First Century Jewish Burials

Published: March 24th, 2016

Many of us have heard the story of Christ’s burial and resurrection. Sadly, since we are removed from the historical context of this event, some of the details of the story can be lost to us. For example, the gospels tell us that Christ was buried in a tomb for three days. Have you ever given any thought to what the tomb of Jesus was actually like? Was it a gravesite like we use today or was it something different?

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The Sport of Solving Quadratic Equations

The Sport of Solving Quadratic Equations

Published: June 14th, 2016

Have you solved any quadratic equations lately? Chances are you have. In fact, many Americans spend several hours each week not only solving quadratic equations, but watching other people solve them as well!

If you haven’t guessed by now, I am talking about watching sports on television. You didn’t pull out your pencil and paper and work through the quadratic formula to solve the equation, but your brain still makes an attempt to do it just by watching.

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The Prescription for Perfect Relationships

Published: January 29th, 2015

Carrie Abbott talks about sexuality specifically in the differences between male and female and how they complement each other to fulfill God's plan

The Prescription for Perfect Relationships

Published: February 11th, 2016

In this Thoughthub Highlight Series, guest speaker Carrie Abbott starts by talking about sexuality specifically in the differences between male and female and how they complement each other to fulfill God's plan.

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Carrie Abbott defines the characteristics of Godly womanhood and the meaning of living like a beautiful biblical woman inside and out.

The Prescription for Being a Biblical Woman

Published: March 8th, 2016

The characteristics of biblical womanhood are based on how a woman acts, thinks, and speaks and with what she reads, listens to, watches and says. In this ThoughtHub video Carrie Abbott from the Legacy Institute encourages godly women to act nobly and exemplify godly beauty. She defines the characteristics and meaning of living like a beautiful biblical woman inside and out as God intended.

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Carrie Abbott gives the prescription for being a biblical man. She explains what biblical masculinity is and having confidence in your christian manhood.

The Prescription For Being a Biblical Man

Published: February 25th, 2016

God created men to have confidence in their masculinity and christian manhood . In this ThoughtHub video Carrie Abbott from the Legacy Institute explains what it means to be a biblical man. She explores biblical masculinity , how to apply it in life and relationships, and addresses common excuses for not acting like a biblical man as laid out in Genesis chapter 2.

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The Power of Psychological Warfare in World War II

Published: October 24th, 2018

One of the most powerful aspects of warfare is that of psychological manipulation. But, what makes this form of warfare so effective? The power of psychological warfare is the inability to defend yourself against its effect. In this vlog, Dr. Jeff Logue shares how WWII was a vivid example of psychological warfare in the way it was employed by the Axis and Allied Powers to target the moral sentiment of soldiers.

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The Power of Print and Its Affect on the Church

The Power of Print and Its Affect on the Church

Published: February 9th, 2016

Reading and writing have been staples of basic communication for thousands of years. One might wonder what kind of effect the written word had on the Church over the centuries. But perhaps a better-crafted question might be what happened to Christianity when words became “printed and replicable” on a large scale.

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The Political Influence of Comics in America During WWII

Published: August 14th, 2018

Did you know that comic books were used as propaganda during World War II? While adults were targeted through posters and short films that were shown before movies, American children were targeted through some of our most prominent superheroes to date such as Captain America, Superman, Batman and several others. These superheroes embodied the ideal virtues of American soldiers and demonstrated the courage and resolve needed to fight evil during World War II. In this vlog, David Onyon, SAGU History Professor, discusses how the effort to win WWII went hand-in-hand with comics.

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This highlight video of Christopher Gornold-Smith's lecture "Corinth in Context," he discusses the political history of the ancient biblical city of Corinth.

The Political History of Ancient Corinth

Published: July 19th, 2016

This highlight video from a lecture entitled “Corinth in Context” discusses the political history of the ancient biblical city of Corinth.

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Carrie Abbott, Legacy Institute, explains the physiological bonds, how your brain reacts during sex and the effects of love in relationships and marriage.

The Physiological Bonds that Happen During Sex

Published: April 26th, 2016

The human brain is a complicated part of the body, its function is to react to life experience s which cause chemical reactions . Carrie Abbott of the Legacy Institute explains how your brain reacts during sex and what chemicals are released ; along with how it will affect relationships and future marriages . The bond that sex creates in the human brain strengthens a relationship, however sex is not the only factor that affects any type of relationship. God created sex to strengthen the love in a marriage physically and emotionally by being faithful to one another.

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The Non-Nordic Ideal: Non-Germans Serving In Nazi Armies

Published: August 1st, 2018

In 1942, the German military was actually stretched so thin across all of Europe that they had no option but to open the doors to non-Germans. But why would non-Germans agree to fight for the Nazi Armies especially when Germans regarded them as an inferior race? How did the Nazis convince men from countries that they had conquered to fight in the German military? In this Thought Hub vlog on WWII Perspectives, Dr. Loyd Uglow discusses the reasoning and tactics behind this unusual turn-of-events in WWII history.

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Rob Price explores how Marshal McLuhan's communication theory "the medium is the message" applies to the Gospel message.

The Medium is the Message: How New Media Affects the Gospel

Published: May 12th, 2016

Being a professor in the Communication Arts Department here at SAGU allows me to spend a lot of time with my students on video, audio, lighting, and editing equipment. But as a Bible-based University, we are challenged to look beyond our cool gadgets and gear to the deeper issues of how methods of communication affect the Gospel message, the Church and our Christian worldview.

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The Medium is the Message

The Medium is the Message: How New Media Affects the Gospel

Published: May 11th, 2016

Being a professor in the Communication Arts Department here at SAGU allows me to spend a lot of time with my students on video, audio, lighting, and editing equipment. But as a Bible-based University, we are challenged to look beyond our cool gadgets and gear to the deeper issues of how methods of communication affect the Gospel message, the Church and our Christian worldview.

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