Loyd Uglow, Ph.D.

Lloyd Uglow, Ph.D., explains how automobiles evolved throughout the 1900s and why their popularity is considered a turning point in 20th century America.

Turning Points in 20th Century America: Automobiles

Published: September 14th, 2016

In Spring 2016, SAGU's History Department hosted the seminar “Turning Points in 20th Century America.” Topics included legal issues, economics, marketing, history, music, church history, Christian filmmaking and social activism. In this video, Dr. Loyd Uglow, explains how automobiles evolved throughout the 1900s and how they began to change America.

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The Value of the 5 Historical Dating Methods

The Value of the 5 Historical Dating Methods

Published: January 19th, 2016

All of us tend to use the most significant dates in our lives as reference points for all the others. For example, we think of our age in reference to the year we were born, and while we may give names to wedding anniversaries (silver, gold, etc.), we determine them by counting from the year of the marriage. Indeed, the root of the word anniversary is the Latin for “year.”

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The Non-Nordic Ideal: Non-Germans Serving In Nazi Armies

Published: August 1st, 2018

In 1942, the German military was actually stretched so thin across all of Europe that they had no option but to open the doors to non-Germans. But why would non-Germans agree to fight for the Nazi Armies especially when Germans regarded them as an inferior race? How did the Nazis convince men from countries that they had conquered to fight in the German military? In this Thought Hub vlog on WWII Perspectives, Dr. Loyd Uglow discusses the reasoning and tactics behind this unusual turn-of-events in WWII history.

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7 Interesting Features of World War II: One for Each Year

7 Interesting Features of World War II: One for Each Year

Published: March 10th, 2016

World War II has been the costliest conflict ever to occur on earth. It’s also one of the most varied and complex, with nations changing sides, citizens of one country fighting each other more fiercely than they fought outsiders, and a myriad of new and sometimes bizarre weapons. The war lasted exactly six years and one day, and certain features seem to stand out for each year of the war.

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