LaSharnda Beckwith, Ph.D.

LaSharnda Beckwith, Ph.D.

Effective communication is extremely important in business. Here are tips to help get your message across clearly with no misunderstanding.

Valuable Tips for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Published: September 27th, 2016

You may ask, why should we care about our ability to communicate? Well, that’s easy. We should care because we want others to understand what we mean. We want to improve our relationships. We want to make sure things get done and in many cases, we want to advance our careers. One of the job skills employers desire most is effective communication. When people communicate effectively, they can build a productive working relationship, solve problems, supervise others, and create trust in the workplace.

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Emotional Intelligence is made up of factors like self-awareness, impulse control, personal responsibility, and social adeptness. Why is it important to have a high EQ.

The Value of Emotional Intelligence

Published: March 17th, 2016

One of the business buzzwords that garnered stream back in the early 90s was the term Emotional Intelligence or EQ as it is referred to in business. This concept was studied and developed by Daniel Goleman in his book titled Emotional Intelligence. He makes the case that our definition of intelligence as measured by IQ is too narrow and ignores a critical range of abilities that matter immensely to our success in life. Such factors are self-awareness, impulse control, personal responsibility, and social adeptness.

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4 Stages of Team Development

Team Development: 4 Stages Every Team Experiences

Published: February 25th, 2015

Managing team development can be a challenge. Many of us will have to manage a team at some point in our lives. When that time comes it might help you to know that all teams go through a series of sequential stages as they grow towards sustained levels of high performance and synergy.

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Importance of Business Strategy

How Strategy can Revolutionize your Business

Published: September 10th, 2015

What’s the strategy for the organization where you work?

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Each of us has a conflict management style that we use predominately. Here are the descriptions of 4 types of conflict management styles, and how to use them.

Common Conflict Management Styles

Published: July 14th, 2015

How do you handle conflict? Each of us has a conflict management style that we use predominately.

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Learning to deal with conflicts appropriately and effectively can increase management skills needed in business work places, start by identifying common causes.

Common Causes of Conflict

Published: April 7th, 2016

Everyone deals with conflict . Learning good conflict management skills is important to succeed in the world of business. Organizations that understand how to channel conflict appropriately are the most effective.

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Being a Christian is not about actions at church but integrating christian values into the workplace.

A Christian Vision of the Marketplace

Published: November 24th, 2015

Over the past several years, there has been a trend amongst Christian business writers towards ensuring that Christian values be woven into the business world. Due to this trend there has been an awareness, or perhaps an awakening, of the need for Christians to stop compartmentalizing their lives and leaving their beliefs at home or church to only be used on Sundays. I believe it has become apparent that Christian values have a specific purpose and can have a significant impact on the secular organization and on people.

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7 Tips for Better Meetings

7 Tips for Successful Meetings

Published: September 17th, 2015

Many people complain about meetings. The truth is; meetings are crucial within organizations because most jobs require people to coordinate their efforts as an overall team.

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5 Tips for Living a Happy Life

5 Tips to Start Living a Happy Life

Published: March 26th, 2015

In our busy world, happiness isn't always easy to come by. Everyone is looking for ways to get more enjoyment out of life. Here are five successful tips for living a happier life.

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Business Strategy

3 Approaches to Business Strategy

Published: August 20th, 2015

What's the strategy for the organization where you work? Every organization needs a strategy and there are 3 approaches to forming this strategy.

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