Carrie Abbott

The Prescription for Perfect Relationships

Published: January 29th, 2015

Carrie Abbott talks about sexuality specifically in the differences between male and female and how they complement each other to fulfill God's plan

The Prescription for Perfect Relationships

Published: February 11th, 2016

In this Thoughthub Highlight Series, guest speaker Carrie Abbott starts by talking about sexuality specifically in the differences between male and female and how they complement each other to fulfill God's plan.

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Carrie Abbott defines the characteristics of Godly womanhood and the meaning of living like a beautiful biblical woman inside and out.

The Prescription for Being a Biblical Woman

Published: March 8th, 2016

The characteristics of biblical womanhood are based on how a woman acts, thinks, and speaks and with what she reads, listens to, watches and says. In this ThoughtHub video Carrie Abbott from the Legacy Institute encourages godly women to act nobly and exemplify godly beauty. She defines the characteristics and meaning of living like a beautiful biblical woman inside and out as God intended.

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Carrie Abbott gives the prescription for being a biblical man. She explains what biblical masculinity is and having confidence in your christian manhood.

The Prescription For Being a Biblical Man

Published: February 25th, 2016

God created men to have confidence in their masculinity and christian manhood . In this ThoughtHub video Carrie Abbott from the Legacy Institute explains what it means to be a biblical man. She explores biblical masculinity , how to apply it in life and relationships, and addresses common excuses for not acting like a biblical man as laid out in Genesis chapter 2.

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Carrie Abbott, Legacy Institute, explains the physiological bonds, how your brain reacts during sex and the effects of love in relationships and marriage.

The Physiological Bonds that Happen During Sex

Published: April 26th, 2016

The human brain is a complicated part of the body, its function is to react to life experience s which cause chemical reactions . Carrie Abbott of the Legacy Institute explains how your brain reacts during sex and what chemicals are released ; along with how it will affect relationships and future marriages . The bond that sex creates in the human brain strengthens a relationship, however sex is not the only factor that affects any type of relationship. God created sex to strengthen the love in a marriage physically and emotionally by being faithful to one another.

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God’s plans for sex and marriage bring two people together. Christians believe the Bible says marriage is a faithful union for the the kingdom of God.

God's Plan for Marriage and Sex

Published: April 12th, 2016

The secular world skews the view of sex and marriage. As laid out in the Bible, God intended to bring males and females together in holy matrimony. Carrie Abbott explains what God’s plans are for marriage between men and women, unity of two people in faithfulness for the Kingdom of God, and why sex is reserved for marriage.

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