Alumnus Ben Weaver released a new eBook on the importance of developing healthy and authentic relationships for young adult men.
“Relationships aren’t just something,” Weaver shares. “Relationships are everything.”
Weaver serves as a Youth Pastor at The Crossing in St. Louis, Missouri. During his years of ministry, he has seen firsthand the vital role that relationships play in life including the most important relationship we can have-a relationship with Christ. Reflecting on his own past, Weaver presents readers with a transparent view of his own faults and insecurities with relationships. As a 34-year old single man, Weaver will be the first person to admit his own struggles with developing and maintaining meaningful relationships.
“This platform is a way for me to reach guys who are around my age or younger to reach out and help them,” he says. “Let me help you avoid the mistakes I made and traps I fell into to help you make meaningful relationships which is what I believe is key to leaving a dent and impact in this world.”
The small digital ebook provides four principles. These principles are simple yet difficult to master and if applied, Weaver believes that it can change the way men approach relationships. Weaver also maintains a blog series to accompany the book.
The journey leading up to the release of this book has been a unique process. Weaver began blogging in January of this year and released an ebook called, “The Journey Worth Taking.” After its completion, he reached out to a life coach out of Tennessee for blogging tips where he learned the need to specify his audience by focusing on key topics in which he is passionate about and can relate to his readers.
So, he began asking questions. He reached out to everyone who could help-his readers, friends and family. “I did a lot of introspection and prayer,” Weaver says. “I asked two questions: If there was one thing you think I should change, what would it be? And the second question was ‘is there an audience you think that I should be speaking to? A single, 34-year old man should be speaking to?’”
“Every single person said the exact same thing-quarter life men and specifically relationships.”
Weaver followed the advice given to him and began delving into the root issues of his own past relationships. “How did I get to this place?” he would ask himself. He looked at his relationships and the decisions he had made over his lifetime. After a period of reflection, he realized that he was not alone. He believes males in this day and age have a hard time understanding relationships.
Dating all the way back to his years as a college student at SAGU, he didn’t understand how to navigate through relationships. That negligence proceeded through his young adult life. For Weaver, this book and blog is a way for him to help men like him find significance in relationships and make them count.
Weaver graduated from SAGU in Spring 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministry. He believes his time studying at SAGU has taught him to be authentic and transparent as a spiritual leader to youth and young adults.
“SAGU was the beginning steps of preparing me for ministry,” he says. “It was a way for me to dive headfirst into the deep end of learning practical ministry. It helped me to cultivate a very real spiritual journey. “
Along with the recent release of his eBook and blog series, Weaver is currently working on a full-length book over impactful relationships.