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Alumni Spotlight: Ed Held

Hometown: Marion, Arkansas

Degree(s) Obtained / Years Graduated from SAGU: 2009 with a Bachelors in Church Ministries.

Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

While I’m thankful I grew up in a Christian home, anything ministry-related was off the radar to me. The interesting thing, however, is this: even as a kid, I always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. 

For the last 14 years, my family and I have been traveling full-time, sharing the love of Jesus. When I first launched out on the evangelistic field, I would record every salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit. My biggest mistake was stopping after 1,000. 

My greatest achievement, however, is my family. My beautiful wife, Heather, Annabeth (5), John (3) and Noah (1) 

So, with three kids two years apart, there is never a dull moment in our house!

Q. How did your time at SAGU influence/ prepare you for your current work? 

I would not be the man, student, or preacher I am today without SAGU. In my opinion, there is no way you can get the extensive knowledge, training, and relationships that a university like SAGU provides. 

SAGU provided me the following:

A strong foundation in Bible Study and Hermeneutics.

A network of meaningful friends and colleagues that I still speak to daily.

Opportunities to minister in places that otherwise would be very difficult or

A platform to launch from. My degree from SAGU has opened more opportunities for ministry than my credentials with the Assemblies of God. Weird, huh?

Q: How did you know you wanted to be in your current field?

During my senior year at SAGU, I knew God had called me to be an evangelist. Before then, I automatically assumed I would be a pastor or church planter. But one day, I was praying in my apartment about the future. The Lord spoke to my heart that what He had for me to do was different from the paths of many of my friends and colleagues. When I got off my knees, it was like God had placed in both my head and heart what I was to do- Be an evangelist. Now, I didn’t tell many people this. I remember telling one guy I felt God calling me to be an evangelist, and he laughed at me. So, I just laughed with him and kept it to myself. I will never forget the time Alton Garrison spoke to me after a forum on Pentecostal Leadership. I confided in him and asked some questions about the role of the evangelist. What I didn’t know was that we were soon surrounded by a group of students who felt called to do the same thing! The information he shared with us was valuable beyond words.

Q: Tell us a little about your current role in your career/ ministry.

I believe in the role of the evangelist and revivalist. Technically speaking, I am both. For the last 13 years, my wife Heather and I have ministered at churches big, small, AG, and non-AG. Forty-eight out of fifty-two Sundays, we minister at youth camps, revivals, camp meetings, conferences, seminars, and wherever God opens the door.

In addition to the message of salvation, the subject of revival -Biblical revival- is really dear to me. A few years ago, I wrote God’s Prescription for Revival, and handed them out at all of our services. 

To know you are in the center of God’s will is an awesome thing. I can honestly say there is no place I’d rather be.

Q : Tell us about a memorable/funny moment in your career/ministry.

I was preaching a revival in a delta town back in Arkansas. Right before the service started, a guy sincerely asked me, “What is a revival? I’m from the West Coast, and I’ve never heard of one before.” Well, the music started and the pastor motioned for me, and I told him, “You hold that thought! We’re gonna talk right after the service.” Well, it was like Heaven came down in that church. God blessed the worship and the preaching of God’s word. When I gave the altar call, He was one of the first ones down. I looked, and he was on his knees, weeping under the power of God. After the service, he ran to me and said, “Preacher, you don’t have to tell me what Revival is. I know now!”

Q. What would you tell a current SAGU today? 

  • Enjoy this season! Maximize every moment of it. Don’t wish it or waste it away. This is preparation time. You will one day wish it back.
  • You will hear some of the greatest speakers and preachers in chapel that you will ever hear. Take notes. One of my greatest mistakes is not doing this as often as I should.
  • Your grades are a reflection of you! Your transcript will follow you for the rest of your life.
  • The kingdom of God is about relationships. Be a friend to everybody! You or your colleagues will be future DYDs, District Superintendents, principals, elected officials, and CEOs. Remember this: We need one another. 
  • Never underestimate the importance of your prayer life and Bible Study. DL Moody once said, “Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray. 

About SAGU: Southwestern Assemblies of God University is a private Christian university located 30 minutes south of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in Waxahachie, Texas. The university was established in 1927 and now offers more than 70 associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees on campus or online. More information is available at or by calling 1-888-YES-SAGU.

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