She fought the good fight; she wanted so much to return to the city and people she loved. But the Lord had other plans. He took her home on November 17, 2012, at the age of 36. Jamie lived her final ten weeks in the home of her parents as they lovingly cared for her every need.
Jamie Norton Lund faithfully served the God she loved and fulfilled His call on her life by teaching English to college students in Northern Asia. Born on December 31, 1975, to Gene and Karen Norton, Jamie gave her heart to Jesus at the age of four. By the age of 13, she knew God was calling her into fulltime ministry. In that moment, she saw herself standing before a sea of dark-haired people sharing the love and life of Jesus Christ. Jamie graduated with honors from Lufkin High School in 1994. While attending Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, God confirmed to her that His call would take her overseas. It was also at SAGU that she met her future husband, Daniel Lund.
Jamie graduated from SAGU in 1998 and then pursued further studies in linguistics from the University of Texas in Arlington while teaching English to incoming international students. As a single lady, she went to Northern Asia in 2000-2002 where she quickly fell in love with her students and the people in her city.
Danny and Jamie were married in 2003, returning to Northern Asia shortly thereafter to study the language and then permanently reside in her original city. Jamie taught English in a small rural university while Danny opened a campus internet café/coffee shop. God blessed them with a son, Caleb Daniel, in October of 2007, and an adopted daughter, Karen Vi, born in July of 2008. They remained in Texas during 2009 while Karen Vi underwent medical treatment for a rare blood disease. Upon her clean bill of health, they returned to Northern Asia in June of 2010. Jamie was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2011 while in Northern Asia. She underwent surgery overseas, but she and her family had to return home to Texas for treatment at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. She fought the good fight; she wanted so much to return to the city and people she loved. But the Lord had other plans. He took her home on November 17, 2012, at the age of 36. Jamie lived her final ten weeks in the home of her parents as they lovingly cared for her every need.
Jamie has planted many seeds in the land she loved so dearly. Others will plant more seeds; some will water while others will harvest, but the Lord will give the increase. Jamie’s life will continue to produce fruit as others obey God’s call. A biography of her life, call, passion, struggles, and victories is being written, for she experienced more in 36 years than most people do in 80. Reflecting on Jamie’s life, she taught us how to live; she also taught us how to die.
Donate to the Jamie Norton Lund Scholarship“Jamie was the trailblazer for a vital emphasis in our English program: the TESOL track (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). As a young woman, Jamie was called to minister to a particular country. She obeyed God’s voice to follow a line of study in college that didn’t completely make sense to her heart…until she realized that teaching English was the key that would unlock doors to place her in the nation she knew she was called to. Her passion was to teach English in a foreign country, for the purpose of sharing the gospel. Her degree enabled her to do just that.”
Diane Lewis, SAGU Department of English, Chair